Health & Wellness

Social Media Is Harming Women’s Mental Health

Why You Should Click Away: Social Media Is Harming Women’s Mental Health

No matter how good you are at something, social media will be the first one to tell you that there’s always someone better than you. Take, for instance, the first time I launched my freelance hair and makeup services. I’ve been doing it for free for friends and family for such a long time and […]

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Your Chances of Conception Don’t Disappear in Your Late 30’s

Your Chances of Conception Don’t Disappear in Your Late 30’s

I don’t want to start a gender fight, but the way people pressure their twenty-something women to get married and have children is different from the way they pressure men around the same age. Sure, both men and women have heard their parents’ “we want grandchildren” spiel to fill their empty nests with grandchildren they

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Your Vagina Doesn’t Need to Get Tighter or Smell Like a Flower

Bogus Products: Your Vagina Doesn’t Need to Get Tighter or Smell Like a Flower

People are looking to make a buck off of anything these days, so it’s no surprise that some businesses are trying to do the same in the feminine hygiene department. Just take a look at its aisle in any supermarket. Sure, there are some useful products such as tampons, sanitary pads, and even menstrual cups

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