healthy teeth

Best Ways to Care for Your Teeth in Your 40s

Teeth and gums undergo drastic changes as we grow old. For one, the mouth tends to get dry due to medications and several other factors. Gums start to recede, exposing softer root tissues of teeth, which eventually leads to cavities. The teeth also get more yellow due to the thinning of the enamel and the yellowing of the dentin inside the tooth.

Despite these changes, with the right tricks and practices, you can have glowing, bright teeth and healthy gums you can be proud of.

Keep your gums a priority

Without a stable foundation, any building will collapse. Gums are the foundation of your teeth, making it essential to keep them healthy. Periodontitis affects many Americans but often gets left unchecked. If you have this condition and you choose to neglect it, it can harm your gums and even your bones. Once that happens, you might need to have your teeth removed.

Here are some signs of gum disease:

  • Your gums are receding or pulling back from your teeth
  • Your gums are bleeding when you brush your teeth
  • Bad breath
  • You’re losing teeth

If you’re experiencing these signs, it’s time to make a trip to your dentist. To avoid it, you should brush your teeth twice a day for at least 2 minutes and floss every day. It’s also best to quit smoking.

Seek dental help the soonest possible

dental help

The strength of the human teeth diminishes as we grow old. This is why, when you experience any sign of dental issues, it’s crucial to seek the help of a dentist the soonest you can.

Teeth loss is a common dental issue among the older population. Losing a tooth has hidden consequences that many do not realize. For one, losing a tooth negatively affects the volume of the alveolar bone, which causes severe aesthetic and functional problems, like the inability to chew and speak.

Further, after the alveolar bone is lost, the basal bone begins to melt away. This leads to the collapse of the lower third of the face and the decreasing distance from the nose to chin.

When you lose a tooth, it’s best to get a dental implant procedure in South Jordan as soon as you can.

Moisten your mouth

Aging exposes you to some health complications, many of which require you to intake medications. Many medications list dry mouth, also known as xerostomia, as a side effect. Dry mouth or lack of saliva can cause bad breath, make eating and swallowing difficult, and can even lead to tooth decay and gum disease.

To combat this, the first thing that you have to do is to drink more water. Try holding it in your mouth before swallowing. You can also try sucking on sugarless candies or chewing sugarless gums. You should also limit the consumption of alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and tobacco as they are known to dry mouths.

Also, when experiencing dry mouth, you should be extra diligent with brushing and flossing as your risk of cavities is increased.

Keeping your mouth healthy as you age can be challenging, but all it takes is new teeth caring habits. With the right knowledge and discipline, you can maintain a healthy mouth well into your retirement years.

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