
How to Help Your Teenager Deal with Acne

Most of us went through this. You wake up one morning only to find another acne on your left cheek, an addition to your growing collection. It’s frustrating to have to deal with teenage acne, especially when teens can be mean about it.

If you have a teen or if you know someone who’s going through this, it’s crucial to understand how to help them fight the acne and cope with the issues of self-esteem and confidence. The way they handle this rough patch in their lives is going to have significant effects on their adult life.

Know the causes of teenage acne and how to beat it

The first thing that you have to do is understand what causes adolescent acne. According to WebMD, the exact cause of acne is still unknown, but androgens play a significant role. Androgens are hormones that increase in boys and girls during puberty. That’s bad news since androgens enlarge the skin’s oil glands, making them produce more sebum.

Once you understand why it’s happening, you’re now better equipped to fight it. Most folks buy the first anti-acne facial wash that they can get their hands on. Or try homemade recipes involving acne-fighting ingredients, like turmeric powder and honey.

While these methods are safe, they’re not always effective. Because each teen is unique and reacts differently to puberty, it’s best to seek the opinion of a specialist. Book an appointment with a dermatologist in Sandy to have your teen checked. The dermatologist might be able to pinpoint what’s causing the teen’s acne and therefore suggest practical strategies to beat it.

Help your teenager deal with their changing sense of self-esteem

self esteem

Dr. Steven Feldman is a dermatology professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. With his colleagues, he made a thorough review of 16 studies that investigated the associations between acne and self-esteem, mood, personality, quality of life, and psychological disorders. They found that, in general, acne harmed the quality of life and self-esteem and increased the risk of mental disorders.

According to the study, more than 85% of teens are affected by acne (though not always severely). And although the risk of experiencing emotional problems depends on the person, it’s still important to check in on your teen and understand how they feel.

You can do this by asking them how they feel about the changes in their bodies. Get your teen to open up, but don’t be too pushy. You have to wait until they are ready to talk about it. When they do open up, offer reassurance that it’s just a phase and it will pass. It’s essential that they understand that it’s not going to last. Also, you should encourage them to keep their heads high despite their skin problems. Praising them for other traits not related to appearances, such as their talents or personality, will also help.

With the increasing pressures in school and with their peers, teenagers have a lot in their plates. A simple acne problem can have dire consequences if left unnoticed. Teenagers need an adult for guidance in this confusing part of their lives.

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