Health & Wellness

Dentist checking giving her patient a check up

Get Immediate Relief With Same Day Dentistry

Have you heard of the term “same day dentistry”? This means that your dentist will deliver your dental appliance—for example, implants or crowns—on the same day that you come in using modern technology and dental-certified materials. The practice differs from traditional dentistry, which takes two or more appointments to complete a certain procedure. Why is it necessary?

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ACL surgery

ACL Injury: Reconstruction, Therapy, and Recovery

Contact sports expose recreational players and professional athletes to different sorts of injury. In the US, 30 million children engage in some form of sport, and there are about 3.5 million injuries every year, with sprains and strains being the most common. Johns Hopkins Medicine explains that children are more likely to suffer from sports injuries

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couple holding half hearts

What We Can Learn From the Bieber-Baldwin Relationship

Just after several months of getting married, young celebrity couple Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin-Bieber have been rumored to have a failing relationship. Even among non-celebrities, relationship woes are normal, but you can take actionable measures to make things work as a couple. While lots of articles currently suggest that the two might head for

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