Health & Wellness


Life After Debilitating Conditions: The Art of Moving Forward

When life throws you curveballs, your involuntary reflexes might not be enough to save you from suffering the blow. Unforeseeable circumstances like accidents, finding out that you have a chronic illness, or discovering sudden complications in your current condition can often leave you at a loss. All the cases mentioned above can bring with it

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happy woman

Single Women Guide: How to Embrace Living Alone

Over the past years, the number of single-person households in the United States has dramatically increased. Before, majority of these households consisted of men. But nowadays, single-person households are dominated by women. There could be dozens of reasons why modern single women love living alone. It could be because they enjoy spending time on their own,

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woman on a tradmill

Immunity-optimizing Lifestyle Habits to Fight COVID-19

The current global health crisis has driven us all of our efforts to stay healthy. As we become bombarded with COVID-19-related news every day, people are scrambling for ways to prevent contracting the virus. Meanwhile, others have been practicing social distancing, washing hands, and following health protocols almost obsessively. All these safety measures created a

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ct scan

A Guide to CT Scans and Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Them

The first step in diagnosing any health condition is by going to a doctor and enumerating the person’s symptoms. Most medical professionals will tell their patients to avoid looking up their symptoms online because self-diagnosis can often create unnecessary fear that is overwhelming. As such, seeking professional help once something is out of the ordinary

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dental procedure

Trending Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Give You That Perfect Smile

A smile can go a long way as a self-confidence booster. It adds a charming appeal to your personality and can capture attention in any social situation. Often, people take considerable efforts to maintain good oral health. Some parents start their kids young by paying regular dentist’s visits, getting braces, or wearing Invisalign to ensure

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sad woman

Action on Addiction: The Damaging Effects of Alcoholism on Families

Alcoholism remains to be one of the most pressing problems in various parts of the world. Over 100 million people worldwide suffer from alcohol use disorder. It is one of the major reasons why countless families are suffering hell-like situations every day. This kind of addiction affects not only one family member but the family as

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