woman applying beauty products

6 Essential Beauty Products For Moms

When you become a mom, there’s barely enough time to take care of other things on top of your childcare duties, much less keeping up with your usual skincare routine. Often, this leads many mothers to neglect themselves, either subconsciously or otherwise, which usually manifests through skin problems.

While it’s perfectly understandable to let acne go unaddressed or spend most of your days looking like a zombie, ignoring skin problems for too long can result in them getting too difficult to resolve in the future. That said, start taking better care of your skin while you still can.

Here are the best types of products that can help you with that:

1. Moisturizer

A moisturizer is a must-have for everyone, not just moms. But moms who barely have enough time to shower or do any semblance of a skincare routine are often the ones that need it the most. Buy moisturizers that can hydrate your skin and help bring back its youthful glow. Applying moisturizer won’t take much time out of your daily routine, but it can make a big difference in how your skin looks and feels. You can easily find a good brightening moisturizer shop online these days.

2. High SPF sunscreen

Constant sun damage slows down the replacement rate of your skin cells, which leads to dry skin, uneven skin tone, and blemishes. That said, make it a point to apply sunscreen with at least 50 SPF to your body and face (be sure to use a face sunscreen for your face, not one that is meant for the body) whenever you go out. Better yet, pack a travel-sized tube in your diaper bag so that you can reapply whenever you need to.

3. Eye cream

Almost all parents suffer from sleep deprivation, and that shouldn’t come as a surprise since kids, even when they are already toddlers, don’t always sleep through the night, infants especially.

If your eye bags are looking darker and heavier than usual, it may be high time to incorporate an eye cream into your skincare routine. Eye creams are formulated to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and dark circles, containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E, peptides, and ceramides. Most eye creams are fully absorbed into the skin in two minutes or less, which means that you won’t have to sacrifice much of your time to apply them.

woman cleansing her face

4. A trusty cleanser

If you haven’t found a cleanser that works best for your skin, now is the best time to start. When you are a mom, you are likely too busy to do much else other than wash your face at night. Hence, having a tried-and-tested cleanser can help you cleanse your skin effectively without spending a lot of time in the bathroom.

While cleansing may not be enough to keep your skin healthy and glowing, it’s often the most important step you should do when you only have the time and energy for one skincare task before you crash into bed.

5. A light foundation

If you’re like many other busy moms out there, getting ready to go out seems to take forever, especially if you have multiple kids to help get ready. After the kids are fed, bathed, and dressed, you now have only a few minutes to get yourself ready. Of course, no one wants to look like the “tired mom” at the birthday party or the park. But at the same time, applying makeup seems like a tedious task.

The solution? Finding a light foundation that you can easily apply before you go and doesn’t start caking in the middle of the day. While this may take some trial and error, having a holy grail foundation by your side is well worth the effort.

Furthermore, a foundation that is light on your skin is also usually easy to take off at the end of the day. And since leaving makeup on for too long is one of the worst things you can do to your skin, being able to wipe away the makeup without using a ton of remover is essential.

6. Lip and cheek tint

You don’t have time for eyeshadow, mascara, or blush? That’s perfectly fine. But if you still want some color on your face, a lip and cheek tint is your next best option. This dual-function product gives a light blush on your lips and cheeks, making you appear healthier and more awake with just a few dabs.

Moreover, lip and cheek tints are usually easy to remove, which means getting ready for bed is much easier with them instead of blush and lipstick.

Being a “mom who does it all” is not easy, but there’s no way to go around it. Nevertheless, you don’t have to look tired all the time, and with these products, you won’t have to.

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