aloe vera

Aloe Vera: The Miracle Plant to Add to Your Skincare and Diet

Aloe vera is popularly known as the “plant of immortality.” It got its name from the fact that it can grow without any soil. It’s also easy to grow and doesn’t need strict maintenance.

Through the years, aloe vera has become a significant part of the beauty industry, especially in Korean skincare. Its usage goes way back in time. For example, it was apparently included in the skincare routine of Egyptian queens, Cleopatra and Nefertiti.

In contemporary society, aloe vera can be found in a variety of skincare products. The plant’s popularity is warranted because of its numerous benefits.

Beauty Benefits

You can use fresh aloe vera topically on your skin and hair. You can also use products that include the plant as one of its main ingredients. And when you do, you’ll get the following benefits:

Prevent Dry Skin

Aloe vera is an amazing moisturizer. It has mucopolysaccharides, which help in locking in moisture into the skin. One study found that when people with dry skin in their hands wore gloves with aloe vera in them, their skin condition improved. Their hands also had lesser fine wrinkles because they were properly moisturized. This benefit is one of the many reasons why skincare products have aloe vera.

Although, there is some evidence that it can make skin drier if used excessively due to its gel form. Thus, you need to use the product moderately, just like with any other skincare product.

Prevent Acne

Skincare specialists and even those currently working on their esthetician certificate know that aloe vera can improve acne. First, it has anti-bacterial properties that will fight acne-causing bacteria. Aloe vera also has anti-inflammatory properties, which further help prevent acne with regular use.

Lightens Dark Spots

Acne scars can be annoying. They also cause dark spots on your skin. You can use aloe vera to address this problem as it can help lighten dark spots. In one literature review, researchers found that aloesin, a component derived from aloe vera, can help with hyperpigmentation treatments.

Heals Wounds and Other Skin Irritations

Aloe vera also has wound-healing effects. Topical application of aloe vera gel on affected areas can help your wounds heal faster and prevent scarring. In addition, the gel has a cooling effect. So it helps in addressing skin redness. Even Drew Barrymore swears by it.

Heal Burns

Aloe vera is a popular remedy for mild skin burns. You can put a generous amount of aloe vera gel on the affected area so that it can cool down. It can even be used to help soothe your skin when you get hot pepper burn on your hands. This benefit warrants the need to have an aloe vera plant or two in your backyard. This way, you have a quick remedy for burns.

Prevent Dandruff

Dandruff is quite common; it affects one in five people. Using aloe vera as a hair mask can help address dandruff due to the plant’s anti-inflammatory and moisturizing properties.

You can use aloe vera gel on its own, apply it directly onto your hair, and then rinse after a few minutes. You can also mix it with other hair-friendly ingredients, such as coconut oil. Or you can buy a processed aloe vera gel from your trusted skincare brand. And you can use it as a leave-in conditioner. You won’t just lower your chances of getting dandruff, but you’ll also be able to manage your hair more easily.

aloe vera

Health Benefits

Aloe vera doesn’t just serve as a topical miracle for your skin. You can also eat and drink aloe vera, provided it’s prepared properly. Moderate consumption of aloe vera has the following potential benefits:

Regular Bowel Movement

Constipation makes people feel very uncomfortable. And it can lead to other problems, such as hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and fecal impaction. Thankfully, aloe vera can help.

The plant has latex, which is a yellow liquid between the plant’s skin and gel. Properly processed latex in aloe vera can be consumed in juice form. And it is commonly used as a laxative and can help ease constipation.

Lower Blood Sugar Levels

The plant of immortality can also be used to lower blood sugar levels. And as a result, it is commonly used to remedy diabetes. In one study, 4,823 out of 5,000 diabetic patients normalized their blood glucose levels after adding aloe vera to their diet.

As staying healthy and maintaining your wellness are vital, one must know how to take care of oneself. With the many skin and medical benefits of aloe vera, you’ll want to add it to your skincare routine and diet.

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