Health & Wellness

senior women

Ways to Empower Senior Women and Improve Their Health and Quality of Life

People often assume that gender-based violence is experienced only by younger women. But studies — as well as many older women themselves — reveal that elderly women can also suffer from all types of violence, abuse, and neglect. Sadly, violence, abuse, and neglect against older women were often undetected, according to Yanira Argueta, Minister for

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Unsure if oral implants are right for you?Your top 5 questions answered!

If you have missing teeth, you may have had enough of wearing dentures or fitted bridges. Or, perhaps you want something a bit more permanent, that doesn’t rub against your gum and cause sore spots. In the world of restorative dentistry, having a dental implant Melbourne solves both the cosmetic and functionality issues that accompany

Unsure if oral implants are right for you?Your top 5 questions answered! Read More »

dentist and patient

Could a Dentist in Soho Help Your Smile Reach New Heights?

Unmistakably different times Anyone who has recently spent time in the centre of London will know that it is an unmistakably different experience than prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Facemasks, social distancing and hand-sanitizer reign supreme, and it has never been quieter. However, as each of the residents of the capital continue to adjust to

Could a Dentist in Soho Help Your Smile Reach New Heights? Read More »

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