Woman smiling on a weighing scale

Role of Weight Loss Clinics in Achieving Your Desired Weight

Did you know that approximately 2 billion individuals worldwide are diagnosed with overweight and obesity? According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 40 percent of adults have a body weight that is above the ideal measurement. Due to dietary and lifestyle changes, the incidence of obesity has increased threefold over the past decade. Thus, healthcare practitioners in Salt Lake City strongly recommend visiting an MD diet clinic to help you attain your optimal weight.

Weight Loss Programs

Weight management programs are crucial to ensure that you quickly attain your desired body mass without sacrificing nutrition and physiological function. In a weight loss clinic, an expert will create an individualized program based on your personal goals and preferences. Thus, it is important to visit a weight management center that will help you achieve your desired results.

Initially, comprehensive clinical history taking and physical examination will be performed to establish the body’s baseline function. A comprehensive interview may also be performed to determine your personal body weight goals. Laboratory workup may also be done to determine blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride to monitor pre- and post-diet levels. Several diet programs and weight reduction services are available to help you stay motivated in losing unwanted fats.


This is a medical supplement that enhances the weight loss effects of diet and exercise. This pill contains phentermine and topiramate, which are potent compounds that reduce stimulation of the hunger center of the brain, which in turn, lessens appetite. It also helps with decreasing compulsion to eat due to its direct effect on the neurotransmitters that trigger hunger.

HCG Diet

This is another weight reduction technique that is often present in dietary clinics. This diet is characterized by consumption of extremely low-fat and low-calorie food, which induces the metabolism of excess fat deposits in the body. You are also injected with HCG, which is a natural hormone that promotes weight loss by inducing metabolism.

It is comprised of three phases, namely the loading, weight loss, and maintenance stage. The loading phase involves overconsumption of fatty food such as fried chicken, meat, shrimp, and lobster during the first two to three days. This is followed by the weight loss phase wherein you limit the intake to 500 calories with subsequent injection of HCG for at least three to four weeks. The final step, which is the maintenance phase, is characterized by a gradual increase in food intake and cessation of HCG injection.

Vitamin B12 Injection


This is another method that induces rapid weight loss. Studies show that high amounts of vitamin B12 enhance metabolism, which promotes fat dissolution and consequently increases stored energy. It also converts excess fat and calories into nutrients and proteins that are essential for achieving optimal body mass. As a result, there is a decreased intake of high caloric food, which promotes immediate weight loss.

Obesity is characterized by excessive fat deposit due to overconsumption of high-lipid and high-calorie food. A sedentary lifestyle is another major contributing factor that predisposes you to obesity. Thus, it is crucial to visit a weight loss clinic at the earliest sign of obesity to prevent long-term complications that may arise from this condition.

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