Man experiencing toothache

Oral Health Risks: Three Things That Can Happen When You Ignore Tooth Decay

It’s hard to dismiss a cavity, especially if you experience sharp pangs of pain. But it’s easy to ignore such dental problem in the early stages, when there’s no discomfort yet and when you only notice little spots of discoloration or feel a little uneasy biting down on cold foot. You might even think of putting off going to the clinic since the pain relievers for tooth sensitivity still work after all. But here’s the deal, when you ignore tooth decay, it’s only going to go downhill. Here are specific dental problems you’ll encounter:

1. Your tooth may break

As cavities grow worse, the tooth gets weaker to the point that it will no longer be able to support the normal functions of the mouth, like eating food. The pressure applied in chewing will cause the tooth to break or crack. When this happens, the inner structures of the tooth, the nerves and blood vessels, will suffer irritation, which will trigger intense pain.

In this case, extensive procedures, like root canal treatment, is necessary. Consult your dentist early on to prevent cracked teeth. Your doctor will most likely recommend fillings, dental materials that restore the external tooth structure. In case you’re suffering from a split tooth and is looking for affordable root canals, Meridian dental clinics often offer promos for first-time patients. You may want to refer to their treatment plan recommendation.

2. You might get an infection

Swollen jaw due to infectionTooth decays can trigger infection not just on the inner regions of the tooth. The toxins can also affect the bone at the tip of the root, causing inflammation in that area. It can spread to the inner cheeks and the floor of the mouth. It can cause a swollen jaw and fever symptoms. In rare instances, infections can reach the brain, resulting in a life-threatening condition.

Who knew a simple cavity can trigger these serious diseases, right? That’s why it really pays to get treatment as early as possible. And that could only be possible if you visit your dentist regularly who can spot signs of cavities and other problems. How regular is “regular”? The rule of thumb is you should go to the clinic every six months. If you’re on dental treatment though, like orthodontics, you would have to see your dentist every month.

3. Your tooth will die

The inflammation from the infection will prevent the supply of nutrients to the tooth, causing nerve damage and further advancing the decaying process. Eventually, the tooth will die and will have to be extracted, then replaced later on. For sure, you don’t want to get into the trouble of going through all that, so take tooth decays seriously, even at its early stages.

Mild cases of tooth cavities require less invasive, less expensive procedures so take advantage of them. In fact, if you catch cavities early on, your dentist may just prescribe fluoride treatments, and that would be enough to restore tooth enamel and reverse the decay.

On the surface, cavities look like simple problems that don’t need much attention. If you do ignore them, it’s a guarantee that they will hurt and wreak havoc in the mouth until you notice them. You don’t want that happening, so treat cavities early on.

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