man suffering from vertigo

How Do I Know If I Have Vertigo?

If you suffer from vertigo, you’ll probably feel that you’re spinning or that your surroundings are moving when they’re not. Plenty of people who have vertigo also describe it as feeling extremely dizzy. Even very simple movements such as tilting their head to the side could feel unusually intense, and their condition could affect their daily lives.

Two Primary Vertigo Types

Your symptoms would be heavily dependent on the kind of vertigo you suffer from and what’s causing it. Vertigo comes in two types: peripheral vertigo and central vertigo. Peripheral vertigo is the most common vertigo type and is caused by issues in the vestibular nerve or inner ear. Central vertigo, on the other hand, occurs when there’s an issue with your brain, specifically in the cerebellum.

Warning Signs of Vertigo

When cconsulting with ENT specialists in Colorado, the first thing you’ll learn is that vertigo symptoms differ widely from one person to another. You may experience mild or very severe symptoms, and this would depend on why you have vertigo episodes. Peripheral vertigo might cause the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty focusing your eyes
  • Feeling like you are spinning or moving
  • Balance issues
  • Losing hearing in only one ear
  • Sweats
  • Ringing in your ears
  • Vomiting or nausea

While symptoms and warning signs of central vertigo might include the following:

  • Double vision
  • Facial paralysis
  • Swallowing problems
  • Slurred speech
  • Difficulty moving the eyes
  • Weakened limbs

How Does Vertigo Feel Like?

Individuals with vertigo describe it as feeling as their surroundings are spinning, which causes them to feel like they’re tilted, unsteady, unbalanced, or rocky. In some instances, these dizzying sensations will feel more pronounced when moving your head, walking, or merely standing up, which in turn can lead to vomiting or nausea. Most individuals also say that these sensations are very physically taxing and exhausting, and can last for several minutes or several hours. Some individuals experience chronic vertigo episodes, while others experience symptoms that fade quickly and then reappear.

When to Consult a Doctor

doctor talking to patient

Visit your doctor if your symptoms persist for a couple of days or come back regularly for more than a week. It is also recommended to check with your doctor if you feel any kind of dizziness that negatively impacts your daily life, as plenty of medical problems could result in vertigo. Your doctor will order various tests to help determine if you really have vertigo and what might be causing it so you can treat it promptly.

Coping with Vertigo Could Be a Huge Challenge

Living with vertigo could be immensely frustrating as it could affect your daily activities. If you experience severe or frequent episodes, you might not be allowed to drive, go to work, or do specific tasks that could aggravate your symptoms. You will also be prone to falls, which in turn can lead to related injuries. You might not feel any symptoms on some days and then suddenly experience debilitating symptoms on other days. The great news is that various treatment strategies can help ease your symptoms and over quality of life.

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