doctor writing prescription

A Quick Overview of Fluimucil

Fluimucil is a type of mucolytic agent that helps reduce the thickness of the sputum. It is used to treat chest congestion caused by abnormal or thick mucus production in patients with airway disorders, such as acute bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, mucoviscidosis, bronchiectasis. It may also be used as a paracetamol poisoning antidote.

Dosage and Administration

Depending on your age, you may dissolve one or more Fluimucil sachets in a glass containing a small amount of water. Your doctor will tell you the exact amount you need to take per day. But, here’s a general dosage for Fluimucil just to give you an idea.

For adults:

  • Use one 200 mg of Fluimucil sachet or two sachets of 100mg Fluimucil two to three times a day.
  • Use one 600 mg of Fluimucil effervescent tablet daily.

Intake of a 200 mg sachet of Fluimucil is recommended to prevent the exacerbation of the disease.

For children:

  • One sachet of 100 mg Fluimucil may be used two to four times each day, depending on the age of the child.

Treatment duration should take around five to 10 days during the acute phase. The treatment may continue for several months for those in the chronic state as per the physician’s advice.

Possible Side Effects

Although this medicine rarely causes any side effects, some people may still have some negative reactions to it. Call your doctor as soon as possible if you experience any of these side effects.

    • Vomiting
    • Nausea
    • Urticaria
    • Bronchospasm
    • Chest tightness
    • Flu-like symptoms
    • High blood and low blood pressure
  • Joint pain
  • Low potassium level
  • Blurred vision

When Not to Use

This medicine is not recommended if:

  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding unless necessary. Your physician will give you the signal if you can safely use Fluimucil.
  • You are allergic to acetylcysteine or any ingredient found in Fluimucil
  • You have a severe or acute case of asthma (Status Asthmaticus)
  • You use topical antibiotics to treat dry eyes, as it may cause severe adverse reactions.
  • You have a rare hereditary problem that involves fructose intolerance because Fluimucil granules contain sorbitol.

Fluimucil has been known to induce respiratory obstruction in very young children because their ability to expectorate is still limited. So, children under two years of age should not be given this medicine.

Precautions and Warnings

woman coughing

Patients with bronchial asthma must always be monitored throughout the therapy. The treatment must immediately be suspended if bronchospasm occurs. This medicine should also be taken with absolute caution in patients with a history of peptic ulceration and asthma. It’s also not a good idea to mix Fluimucil with other drugs. Furthermore, patients with a controlled sodium diet must carefully consider the usage of this medicine, as each dose of Fluimucil effervescent tablet contains 6.8 mmol sodium.

Final Thoughts

There is no doubt about the effectiveness and usefulness of Fluimucil when it comes to treating chest congestion due to mucus blockage in the airways. It also helps counteract the poisonous effects of excessive paracetamol consumption. However, just like any other medicine, Fluimucil also comes with specific warnings and precautions you need to consider, especially if you are taking other medications.

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