Cool gel pack on a swollen knee

Healthy Practices for Your Knees

Inflammation due to worn-out cartilage or an injury can cause knee pain. At first, the pain may occur at irregular intervals, but it can become incessant, which is then hard to control. Severe joint pain can make you immobile. Thus, you have to keep your knees always in perfect condition. Here are some ways you can take care of your knees:

Strengthen your leg muscles

Do some squat exercises or any activity that requires squatting, such as sitting. Getting into a vehicle also involves squatting. By doing so, you’ll have stronger legs and thigh muscles. This condition will help alleviate the strain on your knees. Better still, they will help prevent knee pain from occurring. However, if the pain is recurring, you might need to see a professional. There are experts in knee replacement surgery in Orem. You can check your directory for assistance.

Don’t over-exercise

Although exercise helps, don’t abuse yourself. Do light activities such as walking and gardening, but don’t overdo it. Pace yourself. Rest when you feel uncomfortable.

Avoid bending your knees for too long

If your job requires you long hours of sitting, try to do the straight-leg raise exercise. To start with, sit well with your back in the chair. Then, straighten and raise your leg. Hold it for 10 seconds, then lower it. Do the same thing with the other leg. Repeat this 10 times.

Try to get enough sleep

A study printed in the journal Arthritis Care and Research revealed that a lack of sleep can make people with knee osteoporosis more sensitive to pain. Learn some relaxation techniques before bedtime to help you find a comfortable sleeping position. Having a good night’s sleep can help you wake up fully recharged, relaxed, and relieved of the pain.

Shed off unwanted pounds

Walking puts pressure in your knee. The heavier you are, the more pressure you put in your knee joints. If you’re overweight, try to shed off a few pounds and feel the difference. Losing a few pounds will help ease the burden of osteoporosis.

Engage in sports

Basketball players in a jumpball situationPick sports that require flexibility but have a low impact on your knees. Soccer and basketball require you to jump and run. Landing could result in hip and knee rotation, which is bad for your knees. Jogging and hiking can strain the tendons in your knees. Swimming, cycling, and rowing are knee-friendly sports. They help strengthen your muscles and stabilize your knees.

Never ignore pain

Listen to your body. Don’t ignore sharp, localized pain. Have it checked by your doctor before it gets worse.

Take food supplements

Take vitamins C, D, K, and calcium to strengthen your bones. Likewise, include in your diet food that supports bone health, like cabbage and spinach.

Have an active lifestyle

Keep moving. Doing some household chores, home gardening, and strolling in the park can do wonders to your joints. If you have osteoporosis, these activities will strengthen your muscles and reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness.

Joint pain, particularly in the knee, can disrupt your daily routine. To continuously enjoy life, take care of your knee. Keep moving, sleep well, eat healthy food, and seek professional help when needed.

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