Who is suited to clear braces?

Invisible braces are often considered the modern solution to straightening teeth; they offer great results whilst boasting lots of advantages during and after treatment. Clear braces in Clapham are suitable for many patients, but who do they benefit the most? This article explains what is involved and the types of patients who are the best candidates for this treatment.

What does the treatment involve?

Clear braces are a means of straightening teeth using an appliance known as an aligner. Aligners are trays of plastic that are soft and gentle and can be worn over the teeth. They can be custom-made after the dentist has taken a record of the patient’s teeth, which means that the aligners are very comfortable and easy to wear. The aligners must be changed every two weeks or so until they have delivered the result of beautifully straight teeth.

The teenager

Most people would tend to agree that being a teenager is far from easy. It is a time of great change, and many young people struggle to fit in and worry about how they appear and what others think of them. Because of these issues, teenagers may be reluctant to get traditional braces as they are so obvious.

Invisalign offers a solution for self-conscious teenagers who would like to enjoy the benefits of having straight teeth. This treatment is undetectable by others, meaning they can get their teeth fixed without having to worry about other people noticing or questioning them about wearing braces.

The adult who missed out

Although many people get orthodontic treatment when they are very young, some miss out on having their teeth straightened. This can be for a variety of reasons, but going through life with an imperfect smile can erode confidence and lead to a person feeling less attractive than they should. Clear braces are great for adults who want new smiles but do not want to field questions from colleagues and friends about their treatment.

The impatient patient

If someone has waited a long time to embark on having their misaligned teeth corrected, then they might be a little impatient about getting results as quickly as possible. Treatment with clear braces is relatively quick compared to other types of orthodontic options. Many patients have the smiles they have always wanted after just a few months, though there are exceptions to this.

The food lover

Sometimes, people are unsure about getting their teeth straightened because they are worried they will not be able to enjoy all their favourite foods during treatment; this is not an issue for patients who opt for clear braces. The braces are designed to be taken out before meals, which means that there are no restrictions on the types of foods that they can enjoy.

Patients nervous about discomfort

Invisible braces are one of the most comfortable ways to get teeth straightened. This is because the plastic they are made of is very soft and gentle on the teeth and gums, and the aligners can be custom-made.

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