Magnified pimple marks

How to Remove Pimple Marks

Contrary to popular belief, acne is not just prevalent among teens but also among adults. In fact, according to studies, 40% to 55% of adults aged 20 to 40 are experiencing low-grade, persistent acne and oily skin. Moreover, 54% of women above 25 years of age have some facial acne. Teens and adults in Utah are suffering from persistent acne that later leaves blemishes to permanently mark their spots. These blemishes are tough to remove, and they can negatively affect someone’s confidence. But with the right treatment and supervision, acne marks can be successfully removed to reveal healthier, younger skin.

Use hydroquinone

Melanin, the pigment on our skin, is produced by melanocytes. Hydroquinone reduces the number of melanocytes on your skin, which results in skin bleaching. Although the safety of using hydroquinone has been widely debated, it can be safely and successfully used to remove acne dark spots with the supervision of a dermatologist in Utah. Hydroquinone is usually used in the morning along with Retin-A cream at bedtime. This combo will reduce the oiliness of the skin and start bleaching out the dark spots. It’s also advised to use a topical vitamin C serum to help with fading out the blemishes and pigmentation.

Use a mixture of lemon and honey

Honey on a glass bowlIf you want to take a more natural approach, one of the most effective natural treatments for acne spots is the combination of lemon and honey. The natural acidity of lemon makes it effective in bleaching dark spots. Further, honey is known for its antibacterial and moisturizing properties, making it a perfect way to balance the potential dryness that may be caused by applying lemon on your face.

You just have to mix 1 tablespoon of honey to 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Mix them well and apply the mixture on your face. It’s best to leave it on your face for around 20 minutes. Some even leave it on overnight, but this may be uncomfortable because of the stickiness of the mixture.

There are also other natural ingredients popularly used to remove dark spots. You can try these natural treatments and see which ones give the best results. Just a warning though: it will take some time to see results, so you have to be really patient and consistent. Also, some ingredients may be harsh on your skin, so it’s best to do a patch test before you apply anything on your face.

Ask your dermatologist for acne spot treatments

If you want more guaranteed results, it’s best to consult your dermatologist for the best treatments for your acne spots. The thing is that there are many types of acne spots, with each one responding best to a specific type of treatment. For example, chemical peels work best for shallow acne scars, while fillers are best for depressed acne marks. Consulting a dermatologist will give you an expert opinion on the best treatment for your acne type.

Whether you choose to go for natural treatments or undergo clinical treatments, overnight results aren’t possible. Removing acne scars requires commitment and patience in waiting for results.

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