Hospice care

How Depression Affects a Terminal Patient’s Quality Of life

Psychological distress is quite common to those nearing the end of life. There are medications available to help reduce the effect of grief on their daily life. But it’s still essential to support patients and acknowledge their emotions by encouraging them to express it.

It’s a challenge to ensure that every person who’s life draws to a close can experience a good quality of life. That’s why it’s crucial to find out ways to help them reduce depression. Doing so will help them spend the rest of their days in peace.

Depression among patients nearing the end of life

Major depression is quite common in all patients diagnosed with a terminal illness; people who often have it share a few common traits that are similar to grief. It can cause them to experience significant distress. It also reduces their quality of life, too. Experts also associate depression with heightened risk in suicidal attempts in an attempt to hasten their death. That’s why patients should accept the fact that they suffer from depression and should be open in taking treatments for it.

Meanwhile, those who suffer from grief experience waves of emotions. Thus, leaving them feeling helpless and overly fatigued. They also experience denial, disbelief, and social withdrawal, too.

Depressive symptoms complicate the lives of people diagnosed with a terminal illness. It can make them feel severely distressed and can affect the patient’s ability to say goodbye to their loved ones.

Treating depression and grief

Although hospice care in states like Indiana improves a patient’s quality of life in their last days, many patients who suffer from grief and depression often cope on their own. That’s why healthcare professionals need to encourage them to reach out with their external source of support.

Meanwhile, their support system should also learn how to listen to them. Even more, they should also try to understand their concerns. Letting them breathe and express their suppressed emotions can help improve their situation. It can be beneficial, specifically for their psychological state.

Addressing the causes of their distress can help, too. They can do it by encouraging them to attend supportive-expressive group therapy. Attending these sessions can improve their psychological well-being. It’s a safe place for them to build bonds with other participants who are going through the same thing. It lets them have a chance to let their emotions out and confront any of their existential issues.


Meanwhile, meaning-centered group psychotherapy uses discussions to improve a person’s quality of life. They also focus on themes related to enhancing the meaning of one’s life. It’s true, especially those in advanced illness.

Palliative care professionals should point out that coping with these feelings. They can do it by involving educating both the patient and the people caring for them. A lot of negative emotions can come from feeling helpless in the situation. Healthcare professionals and other members of the palliative care should be able to answer their questions. Even more, they can work with them throughout the therapy.

It’s normal for the patient and their loved ones to experience anxiety towards the end of the patient’s life. Your palliative care team can help everyone to cope with the situation. Even more, it can dispel the negative emotions that surround them.

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