
Quick Fixes for the Hustling and Bustling Women

Sometimes, there are not enough hours in a day to do everything you want to accomplish. This can be about your social life, work, personal growth, family, or romantic relationships. Many people will boil this down to improper time management, but even the best time managers can fall short of time on occasion.

This is because a lot of the things that consume your time every day are menial tasks, such as food or beverage preparation, traveling to and from work, as well as other things that have to be accomplished. Although these are necessary tasks, they can be bothersome when you can be doing something more productive.

Such is the fate of self-made women everywhere who can’t seem to fit all their tasks in 24 hours. It can seem impossible to have eight hours of sleep, eat three times a day, go to work, work out, maintain a social life, and get enough rest for the following day. Fortunately, there are simple solutions to these everyday problems.

Making a few lifestyle changes and investing money for your convenience is how you can cope with the lack of time. There are no magical solutions to your problems, but you can always prepare ahead of time so that you won’t feel like you’re losing precious minutes. Here’s where you can make some changes:

Make Your Own Coffee

cup of coffee

If you consider yourself to be among the population of people who literally cannot function without caffeine in their bodies, then it can be a good solution to invest in a coffee machine for your home. The upfront costs of buying a new coffee maker can save you more money in the long run, especially if you often buy from coffee shops on your way to work.

Not only are you saving both time and money in the process, but you are also saving the environment by not using single-use disposable cups that contribute to pollution. Also, since you’re preparing coffee ahead of time, you can easily grab your reusable coffee mug on your way out of the house.

You can also research other coffee brewing methods that won’t require you to buy a coffee maker, such as the cold brew technique. With cold brewing, you can make the concoction at night before you go to bed and run the brewed coffee through a sieve or filter in the morning to get rid of the coffee grounds.

Look into Permanent Make-up Solutions

Making yourself look presentable or decent before work is another task that can easily take 15 to 30 minutes at the minimum because you can’t rush make-up. Even with simple, natural make-up, you will have to spend a few minutes per day to make sure that everything is right.

But if you can eliminate a few minutes from that routine every morning, wouldn’t it be a life-saver? For instance, lining and filling your brows can take five minutes or more to ensure that they are identical. To solve this, you can try microblading or ombre shading for your brows, which can easily last between one and three years.

The upfront price of the eyebrow tattoo might appear overwhelming, but once you consider the money and time you’re saving in the long run, it can appear as a more practical option. You won’t need to bother doing your brows in the morning after having this procedure.

Pick Your Outfits the Night Before

Not knowing what to wear when you’re late for work is stress that you don’t need in the morning. This is because finding good clothes that match is sometimes harder than your most challenging task at work. Plus, the time pressure adds another layer of stress that you can do without.

To fix this problem, you can prepare your outfits the night before the workday. This gives you plenty of time to mix and match your clothes without the pressure of being late for work. You can also take this time to reel in your thoughts from the day and breathe without thinking about your responsibilities, even if only for a few minutes.

Discover the Wonders of Meal Prep

preparing a meal

Food is an integral part of day-to-day life. You might be able to forego a shower in the morning or coffee before work, but eating is not one of them. This is because you get your daily nutrients and energy supply for the day through your food.

This also means that you need to be eating good food that is not only filling but also nutritious. This can be difficult if you’re used to ordering take-out from fast-food chains as you deal with the lunchtime rush. But if you were to prepare your own food, you can easily eliminate this hassle of getting food to eat.

In fact, you can spend your Sunday preparing for your meals the entire week, or you can find local shops that offer meal plan subscriptions for busy women like you. You won’t have to worry about buying groceries or waiting in line during lunchtime because you’ll already have your meals prepared for you.

You might be surprised at how easy your days will be once you’ve found solutions to the problems you’re facing every day. The tasks mentioned above are essential parts of your daily routines, but they can all be time-consuming and bothersome when you’re busy accomplishing your goals.

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