
Chronic Kidney Disease: 4 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Risk

About the size of a fist, the kidneys are essential body parts that serve as a filter to the blood. Their primary function is to remove excess waste in the body by producing urine. When the kidneys are damaged, it becomes a big problem because they cannot fulfill their function. Hence, taking care of the kidneys is a priority for all individuals.

The Functions of the Kidneys

Each individual has two kidneys. Seen below the rib cage, the kidneys perform particular functions. Filtering half a cup of blood every minute, the kidneys remove waste and unnecessary fluid in the body and remove acid produced by the body. The kidneys ensure that the body has just the right amount of water and minerals by performing these functions.

The kidneys function together with the bladder and ureter to form the urinary tract. Excess waste and fluid are removed from the body through urine. After the kidneys filter the blood, they produce urine. This urine passes to the bladder through the ureter.

In addition to removing excess waste, the kidneys also produce hormones that control blood pressure. They also aid in producing red blood cells as well as contribute to strong bones.

To filter the waste from the body, the kidneys have millions of nephrons that contain filters called glomerulus. In addition, the nephron has a tubule. These parts work together to filter the blood, remove wastes, and return necessary nutrients to the blood.

To enter the kidneys, the blood passes through the renal artery. When it enters the kidneys, it is then filtered by the nephrons. Blood passes through the kidneys numerous times daily. On average, the kidneys filter around 150 quarts of blood.

Kidney Damage

When a person’s kidney is damaged, they might develop chronic kidney disease (CKD). An individual with CKD does not have the necessary tool to remove the waste from the blood. When this happens, the waste accumulates inside the body and can result in complications. Examples of these complications are high blood pressure and heart disease. In worst cases, it can lead to stroke and death.

In the U.S., around 37 million individuals are reported to have CKD. People who develop kidney complications undergo the process of hemodialysis. Hemodialysis is a procedure that performs the function of the failing kidney; it filters excess wastes and fluid from the blood, controls blood pressure, and keeps and produces essential minerals in the body.

As there are many Americans who have kidney failure, most hospitals need hemodialysis management solutions to help them provide the necessary technical and customer service support to patients.

Taking Care of the Kidneys

Pouring water from bottle into glass on blue background

Because the kidneys are essential parts of the human body, it is necessary to take care of them. Here are some measures one can take to take care of their kidneys.


Regular exercise is vital. By having an exercise routine, the risk of acquiring CKD is reduced. In addition, regular exercise can also regulate a person’s blood pressure and make the heart healthier; both these things are necessary for keeping the kidneys healthy.

Walking and running can be part of your regular exercise. Other activities like cycling and dancing can also be a big help. As long as you keep moving, it is a step towards keeping your kidneys healthy.

Monitor sugar intake

Additionally, monitoring your sugar intake is also a factor in your kidneys’ health. Diabetic individuals, for instance, are at risk of developing kidney disease. This is because diabetics cannot properly utilize the sugar entering the body; the kidneys, therefore, bear the responsibility of filtering these sugars in the blood. When the kidneys are overworked, they are at risk of failing and can also be lethal.

Monitoring your sugar intake is part of having a healthy diet. Having a healthy diet also helps you control your weight, which is necessary for protecting your kidneys from damage. To have a healthy diet that is good for the kidneys, one must reduce from consuming processed food and eat more food items that are low in sodium. To be sure, eat fresh ingredients like fish, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Drink plenty of water

Additionally, drinking plenty of fluids helps the kidneys immensely. Water helps the kidneys in cleaning up waste from the body and lowers the risk of CKD. Ideally, one must drink around two liters of water daily. An individual’s water intake is highly dependent on several factors, including their overall health.

For individuals who have kidney stones, it is best to drink more than the average amount of water to avoid the development of stones in the future.

Overall, taking care of the kidneys is essential because they are organs that have unique functions. Without them, a toxic build-up will indeed happen, and this is never good news.

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