self care

Focusing on Self-care for Women amid the Coronavirus: What to Do

Self-care is essential during the pandemic. This applies to all — men and women, children and adults, and those from all walks of life. Why? Practicing self-care helps one rise above the pandemic situation.

Self-care is all the more necessary for women as they can be the most vulnerable. In fact, the pandemic has disproportionately impacted women across the globe. It has affected their health and wellness, home experiences, work, and finances.

It’s good that there are ways to cope with the global crisis as a woman. Whether you are a mother managing the household or a young woman working from home, here’s how to take good care of yourself:

1. Acknowledge the pandemic and take action plans

It’s safe to say that we’re living in the time of the novel coronavirus. The COVID-19 crisis has posed a threat to the health and lives of people, especially women. It has shaken the women’s role in the household, affected their work, tightened their belts, and compromised their health.

That said, women need to acknowledge the pandemic situation. Be sure to understand the severity of the situation and what aspects of your life are affected. Then and only then will you come up with realistic action plans to address your current circumstance.

2. Draw the line between your personal and professional life

Most businesses or companies have already adopted the WFH policy. Many individuals who are fortunate enough to keep their jobs are now working in the comfort of their homes. However, some challenges have arisen with this work setup. And working women have become the most impacted during the pandemic.

Women have to earn a living while managing the households and taking of their spouses and children. With all these house demands, you must separate your personal and professional life in the best possible way. The key here is to practice time management so as not to get easily and quickly overwhelmed. Be sure to come up with a strategic schedule for both your working hours and personal time.

3. Have time for yourself

Apart from having time for both your work and personal life, you must have time for yourself. Sure, women may find it challenging to juggle managing the households and keeping up with their daily work tasks. However, they must neglect their ‘me time’ at all.

That said, be sure to have time to pursue your hobbies and interests. To do so, find time to read good books, listen to your favorite music, or watch new movies. Also, unwind and pamper yourself if you must. If not, allow time for resting by doing absolutely nothing at all.

couple relaxing

4. Establish health habits

Having a healthy lifestyle is all the more critical during the pandemic. This is especially true for women who have to be as well and healthy as possible. That way, they can manage the household and take care of their spouse and kids at home.

For most women, staying healthy is easier said and done. However, it all boils down to the basics of a healthy lifestyle. That said, consider taking the following steps:

  • Have proper nutrition (eat properly)
  • Stay hydrated (drink plenty of water)
  • Have physical activities (exercise regularly)
  • Get enough sleep (at least eight hours)
  • Practice breathing exercises (try yoga and meditation)
  • Regulate digital consumption (less phone time)
  • Strive to be positive amid the pandemic
  • Keep the faith

5. See healthcare professionals if necessary

As a woman, you must ask for help during the pandemic. Seeing a health professional is extremely necessary due to the threat to your physical and mental health and life in general.

If you think your health is deteriorating, be sure to see a doctor as soon as possible. If you’re showing signs of stress, anxiety, and depression, talk to your shrink and get therapy. If you’re under recovery and rehabilitation after an accident, set an appointment with a chiropractor specializing in car accident injuries. Should you need medicines for your health condition, get your medications from a pharmacist.

At the end of the day, you must not take your health and well-being for granted. Health professionals will always be at your disposal, ready to treat you. Ultimately, asking for help is part of practicing self-care.

Women can be highly vulnerable during the pandemic. However, they can be the best fighters in the time of the novel coronavirus. To be a woman fighter, acknowledge the pandemic, separate personal and professional life, and have time for yourself. Also, be sure to establish and see healthcare professionals if necessary. All these self-care steps will help every woman in the world rise above the pandemic situation.

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