Health & Wellness

sick child

Long-COVID: When Your Body Does Not Recover Fast After Battling with the Virus

COVID-19 presents itself through about a dozen symptoms. Although many will not notice that they have a highly-contagious illness because they feel fine, most will have at least one of the symptoms. These symptoms range from mild – dry cough, sore throat, aches and pains, headache, diarrhea, conjunctivitis, fever, loss of taste or smell, and

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skin texture

You’ve Been Cleansing Your Face Wrong This Whole Time!

We all go through great lengths to get that healthy, radiant, and good-looking glow on our skin; from the best laser skin treatments to the most effective products available on the market, it’s a testament to a woman’s self-care and self-love. Plus, nothing beats the satisfaction of rinsing yourself, drying off, and looking at your

You’ve Been Cleansing Your Face Wrong This Whole Time! Read More »

The Impact of Dental Health on Your Overall Health and Well-being

There are more than 7.8 billion people in the world. Do you know that about half of that—3.5 million—suffer from oral diseases caused by bad dental habits and lack of dental guidance? Dental and oral health isn’t just about you. It’s not about your fear of the dentists or the fact that you’re okay with a decaying

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doctor and patient

How New Doctors Are Surviving in the Wake of the Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about a series of changes in everyone’s lives during its wake. Many find themselves dealing with challenges that can take their toll on our mental, physical, financial, and even spiritual health. While the government has implemented lockdowns and social distancing laws necessary for limiting the spread of the virus, the stress

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