
Unsure if oral implants are right for you?Your top 5 questions answered!

If you have missing teeth, you may have had enough of wearing dentures or fitted bridges.

Or, perhaps you want something a bit more permanent, that doesn’t rub against your gum and cause sore spots.

In the world of restorative dentistry, having a dental implant Melbourne solves both the cosmetic and functionality issues that accompany missing teeth, allowing you to feel confident in your smile without compromising on the strength of your bite.

But perhaps you have heard that having a dental implant will be uncomfortable? Or have you heard they are prohibitively expensive?

In this article, 5 of the most commonly searched questions about oral implants are answered, allowing you to decide whether or not they are right for you.

Does having an oral implant fitted hurt?

Having a dental implant fitted should not be an uncomfortable experience in the main for any patient.

Your dental team will ensure that your jaw is sufficiently numbed before the process begins and once the numbing agent wears off, you should be able to manage any discomfort with over the counter pain relief. Many patients have compared the feeling to having a tooth extracted and, like an extraction, any discomfort should fade within a few days.

How long does the procedure take?

Depending on how many implants you are having fitted, the procedure may take between 1-3 hours and may be broken into several appointments.

The time from having the implant attached to your jaw to the fitting of the permanent prosthetic varies between 3-6 months, depending on healing time and successful fusing of the implant to the bone.

at the dentist

Will I get an infection?

Every care will be taken by your dental team to ensure that your implant is fitted in a clean and hygienic environment, minimising the chance of you developing an infection.

However, you will have to ensure that the implant site remains clean as it heals, which will involve salt water rinses at first, and gentle brushing as the inflammation reduces. If you notice any excessive discomfort, swelling or a bad odour, then you should book an appointment to see your dentist as soon as possible!

What stops them from falling out?

This is a surprisingly common question!

All implants, regardless of the kind, are fitted to the jawbone or, in the cases of subperiosteal implants, are on top of the jaw but underneath the gum line. As the implant type you are fitted with will be based on your individual needs, the implants will be secure and should not fall out or move.

Why are they so expensive?

While oral implants may look expensive, once the cost is broken down, they are actually better value for money than most cosmetic treatments.

Remember, having an implant fitted includes the cost of the surgery to fit the implant, the aftercare appointments, and the fitting/making of the porcelain crown (prosthetic tooth) that is attached. And, as implants have such a long lifespan, they are a great way to invest in your smile!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.


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