dental procedure

Trending Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Give You That Perfect Smile

A smile can go a long way as a self-confidence booster. It adds a charming appeal to your personality and can capture attention in any social situation. Often, people take considerable efforts to maintain good oral health. Some parents start their kids young by paying regular dentist’s visits, getting braces, or wearing Invisalign to ensure proper teeth alignment.

Today, technological advancements in cosmetic dentistry helped dentists and patients discover the best treatment for different dental problems. It helped them overcome the most troubling issues and get a head-turning smile that will fill them with extreme confidence. According to Globe News Wire, the cosmetic dentistry market is likely to reach $32.73 billion because of the increasing adoption of strategic developments in cosmetic dentistry.

Innovations in cosmetic dentistry are setting bigger milestones in the industry. From teeth whitening to dental implants, these procedures allow dentists to tackle different tooth defects using modern dental treatments. So if you are interested to try the wonders of cosmetic dentistry, here are some popular trends to give you the perfect smile you’ve always dreamed about.

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is likely one of the most popular cosmetic dental trends in recent years. It is also one of the most requested dental procedures for people who are dissatisfied with their teeth color because of poor dental habits. Although teeth whitening isn’t entirely a new trend, it only became recently popular because of teeth whitening products that are gaining widespread attention in social media.

Those who want fast and long-lasting results turn to professional dentists. They offer various treatments for teeth whitening that provide a healthy-looking and natural finish compared to the overly bleached results. The intensity of the treatment depends on the patient. A cosmetic dentist can help brighten your teeth without looking over the top.

Those who can’t afford to see dentists turn to at-home whitening treatments. These products vary from gels, strips, toothpaste, and fancy trays made of peroxide, which you can apply at home without the dentist’s supervision. But these products may often take a while to achieve the desired results. For long-lasting white teeth, dentists recommend a combination of whitening agents, dental trays, and laser or light application. Many online stores are offering them in kits because of the high demand.

While commercial whitening products deliver aesthetic results, professional teeth whitening is still the best solution that will bring significant results.

dentist and patient

Clear aligners

Clear aligners have completely transformed orthodontic treatments. This is the perfect teeth alignment solution for people who don’t like the idea of wearing metal braces. Having metal wires attached to the teeth may look unappealing for most people that it makes them feel uncomfortable when smiling, thus reducing their confidence. There’s also the trouble of brushing and flossing the teeth, developing canker sores, and going through dietary limits and regular wire tightening.

When Invisalign introduced their first model for clear aligners, many found it very effective as it allows patients to straighten their teeth without looking too obvious. In fact, many celebrities are getting their perfect set of straight teeth because of Invisalign. Some famous ones are Khloe Kardashian, Tom Cruise, Justin Bieber, Katherine Heigl, and Oprah Winfrey.

The need for metal braces has reduced significantly because of clear aligners. They are also removable and custom-made that work similarly to other orthodontic treatments. Clear aligners can fix uneven and crooked teeth by gradually placing them in their rightful places. Unlike metal braces, clear aligners consist of plastic to easily clean and wear. You can also remove them while eating, brushing, and flossing.

Dental implants

Missing teeth is likely one of the most embarrassing dental dilemmas. Losing one tooth can damage your smile and self-confidence. Those who lost plenty of teeth will notice changes in their face shape by making you appear older.

Implants have become a great alternative for people who want to replace their missing tooth. Unlike full dentures, implants will replace only one or more teeth. The procedure involves the insertion of an artificial tooth with a metal rod into the jawbone. This invasive technique usually takes over six months. The dentist will ensure the restoration will blend well with the rest of your natural teeth. After the healing process, you will notice the fabricated tooth looks realistic.

Dental prostheses are perfect for those who have missing teeth because of an accident or have broken or damaged teeth. This dental treatment will give you a more functional bite and a natural-looking smile.

The examples above prove cosmetic dental procedures are growing and making dental treatments more superior and comfortable. While all these techniques are proven effective, the key to a perfect smile begins with good oral health. As you take advantage of these aesthetic dental procedures, observe proper dental hygiene to ensure optimum results.

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