Woman getting her thyroid checked

The Importance of Getting Support When Dealing with Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism, according to Las Vegas experts, is a chronic condition characterized by an underactive thyroid. It is really very manageable once you have determined the most suitable dosage of medication for your specific case. However, since dosing adjustments and blood tests are typically performed every 6 or 10 weeks during the start of your treatment, it could take months before you actually start feeling better.

During this period of adjustment, you might still feel low-energy and fatigued, even depressed and anxious, or still have a hard time controlling your weight. But these feelings shouldn’t get in the way of your daily tasks.

Having that said, support from friend, family, and other individuals is vital to help you deal with these challenges. So, whom should you lean on to for support?

Your friends and family

It is imperative that you inform your friends and loved ones of your hypothyroidism diagnosis, especially since thyroid problems can run in families. This means that they should preferably get tested as well.

It’s also crucial that they’re aware of the various hormonal changes you’re going through since these can significantly impact how you feel emotionally and physically. Your friends and family could help you deal with your daily activities such as cleaning, cooking, etc. on days when you’re feeling particularly down.

Your doctor

Your endocrinologist in Las Vegas will help figure out the proper dosage of meds for your hypothyroidism and keep track of your condition. Your doctor will also help you deal with what you’re going through and offer insights on managing your condition more effectively.

A therapist

Patient consulting a psychiatristOne of the most common symptoms of thyroid issues is feeling depressed and lonely. Aside from having low energy and sad, your relationships could likewise be strained because of your emotional and mental state.

Going to therapy is an excellent way to understand what you’re going through, and if required, a psychiatrist can recommend an antidepressant that won’t interfere with your hypothyroidism medication.

An exercise buddy

Getting regular exercise is a vital part of managing your condition as it can help you in dealing with weight gain, depression, and fatigue. Likewise, every time you exercise, endorphins and other feel-good chemicals will be released by your brain to help keep your mood up.

Having an exercise buddy to work out with or even when walking around the neighborhood will help in ensuring that you stay as active as possible.

A support group

Joining a support group with people who are also dealing with the same stuff you’re dealing with, whether in person or even online, will help you feel not so isolated knowing that there are other people just like you. You can get and share some tips and ideas that will be helpful in managing your condition.

Do note, though, that there’s a chance that having all this information might scare you or leave you more depressed instead of supported, so you need to always in keep in mind that hypothyroidism affects people in different ways that are unique to them.

Having the support you really need during hypothyroidism treatment, especially during the early stages, could make dealing with your condition much easier. In the event that you can’t find a support network, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for recommendations.

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