woman in pain

Pain in Your Pelvis: What Does It Mean For Women?

Pain is usually a way for our body is telling us that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Whether it’s an aching body from getting sick, an injury that needs to be patched up, or bones that are aching, pain is essential in giving us that “wake up” call to give our body the necessary treatment.

However, there’s going to be a time that pain can be more of a distraction and a detriment to our daily function. Normally, a lot of old folks will have complications with their bone structure as they age. Although this is just part of the natural process of aging, this can often lead to discomfort, and the pain ultimately distracts someone from their current everyday task.

For a lot of elderly women or even women who are still in their prime, pelvic pain is known for being especially distractive since this is located in one of the most sensitive regions where the reproductive organs are situated. But contrary to what most people think, pelvic pain isn’t just caused by something that’s related to the reproductive system. So what are some of the causes of pelvic pain? We’ll be answering some questions that are related to pelvic pain in women.

What Does It Feel Like?

This usually occurs in the lower abdomen, which is right between the belly button and the general area of the reproductive system. The cause of pain will depend on a variety of different factors and causes, which might be situational from one person to another.

Most of the time, certain types of pain can signify the early onset of symptoms for a variety of health complications. For example, sharp pain or experiencing “blunt” dull pain could signify different types of injuries and diseases that might affect the pelvic region. The pain is also known for being chronic, with the pain lasting more than 6-7 months at a time.

What Could Be The Cause?

Much of the discomfort and pain is caused by the following:


Most medical experts would suggest not ignoring the pain or any sort of discomfort that’s being felt in these regions, especially when an individual might feel like they’re constantly full or bloated. This is one of the earliest symptoms of endometrial cancer or even ovarian cancer.

In most cases, this can affect the nervous system and the bone structure of the individual, which can eventually affect the person’s movement and lead to injuries. The tumor growths in this are also known for causing much of the pain.

If you’re looking for a community that has the necessary ergonomic equipment and well-trained staff that can take care of elderly individuals, there are inclusive communities that are dedicated to taking care of those that might have problems with movement and posture. Having a hospice care nurse taking care and looking after these elderly individuals is also a great way of reducing the likelihood of injuries while also giving professional supervision to the elderly.

Muscle Cramps

Much of women’s natural monthly cycle means that there are bound to be menstrual cramps at least a few times in a year. For most women that are still in their prime, the ovary will release an egg cell during the ovulation process, which can cause pelvic pain. This can vary from a mild twinge towards discomfort. This will happen in at least half of the abdomen, depending on which side of the ovary it was released in.

In other cases, much of the pelvic pain is caused by sudden shifts in hormones and substances that can help facilitate the healing process from wounds, such as prostaglandin.

Related To Pregnancies

Another known condition that most pregnant women will feel is PGP (pelvic girdle pain), which is characterized by stiff moving pelvic joints. But apart from just the pain, PGP is another symptom of more serious pregnancy issues, which can often lead to miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. When the fertilization process happens right outside the womb, such as the ovaries and fallopian tube, most women will feel a “blunt” or sometimes sharp pain on their pelvis. If you are feeling pain in your pelvis region, more specifically inside your womb, it’s best to have yourself checked out by someone who is well-versed in reproductive organs.

pain in the stomach

Pain on your pelvis doesn’t necessarily mean that it could be a serious health condition, but there’s a chance that it could be easily related to a serious one if you’re not too careful. If you’re in doubt of your current situation, you can always ask for help from a medical professional or someone who specialized in a field that’s related to your current health condition.

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