
Looking for a dentist in Richmond?

Do you find it hard to smile in pictures? Do you feel self-conscious about your teeth when speaking to people? If you can relate to these scenarios, visiting a dentist in Richmond may be a suitable option for you. It is a fact that each year, more and more individuals are going to their dentist not only for traditional treatment, but to transform their teeth into a smile they desire. These treatments focus on the appearance of your smile by aligning, refining and enhancing your teeth.

What do we offer?

Your dentist in Richmond at Sheen Dental understands that it can be difficult to fit dental appointments into a busy lifestyle, but we would like to stress the importance of looking after your dental health. We recommend that you have regular check-ups, no matter what your age, as this allows us to monitor your dental health and check for any developing or ongoing conditions. The sooner we begin treatment, the better your dental health will be!

You should aim to see your dentist in Richmond at least once a year. We believe good dental habits should be encouraged from childhood, because maintaining a healthy mouth and correctly treating any dental problems you may have will help your overall wellbeing. We have treatments that are suitable for all the family, such as root canal treatments, hygiene treatments and fillings.

If you book an appointment for your regular check-up, our dentists will check the overall health of your mouth to determine if there are any particular areas that are causing you difficulties. To correctly assess your needs, we will need to know any existing dental conditions that you may have, as well as finding out about your health in general. Once we have done this, we can help you treat these issues as well as advise you on how to avoid further problems.

Your appointment with a dentist in Richmond will also give you the chance to carry out your own research on the treatments available. You may be considering improving your smile, but you might not be sure what is best for you. We can also talk to you about the correct way to clean your teeth, which is always useful information to keep in mind. A treatment which is always quite popular with individuals who visit a dentist in Richmond is teeth whitening.

Teeth whiteningWhat is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is a procedure which helps patients to improve their smile by altering the shade of their teeth using a bleaching agent. It is requested by individuals whose teeth have been stained through the food and drink they consume or by smoking. However, there is also the option to whiten your teeth at home if you do not have the time to visit a dentist in Richmond.

If you do decide to whiten your teeth yourself, it is important to seek advice from your dentist so they can guide you on how often you should whiten your teeth and for how long.

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