invisible braces concept

Heard that invisible aligners are wobbly? 5 common invisible brace myths debunked

When you are an adult who has misaligned teeth, it can feel that there are few options available that can resolve said issue without drawing stares.

And for the last 30 or so years in dental care, that certainly was the case. Any brace that was undertaken by adult patients was usually metal and was, therefore, less than discrete. The end result was many adults choosing to have crooked, misaligned smiles rather than go through orthodontic procedures.

Today, however, this has been resolved with the majority of adult patients now being able to use clear or invisible braces to correct their misalignments, with discretion and precision.

An invisible aligner, Invisalign from Wagga is the most commonly sought after of these appliances. It can achieve the same results as a regular brace in 6 months (or less) while offering the other advantages of being removable and extremely comfortable. Brilliant!

But you may have heard some myths about this aligner and so, in this article, these myths are explored and debunked, so you can learn all you need to about invisible aligners.

It can’t correct complex issues

If your orthodontic issue requires jaw realigning, bridge work or rotating of teeth, then it is unlikely this brand of invisible aligner is going to be suitable for you.

However, thanks to advances in this aligners technology, it can correct almost every other orthodontic issue. But to be sure, you will need to see your dental team for a suitability assessment.

It is more expensive than regular braces

Like many braces and aligners available on the market today, the end cost for the treatment incorporates all the visits to the dentist, any adjustments and additional tests.

With this invisible aligner, as it has a faster turn-around time, it usually costs less than regular metal braces and as no adjustments are needed, you may be surprised at how affordable it can be. But, again, to get a better estimate on the final price, you will need to see your dentist and discuss the most likely length of any treatment you will have.

It will give you a lisp

happy woman

OK, so any new brace or aligner is going to impact on how you speak when you first start wearing it.

However, it is probable that you will adjust to wearing the aligner and thus, all your associated speech issues will resolve. If you are self-conscious about a lisp, talk to your dentist for advice.

It is uncomfortable

As it relies on a pushing motion as opposed to pulling (or straightening in the case of regular braces), this invisible aligner is deemed to be surprisingly comfortable.

As it is made from moulded plastic which is custom-fitted to your mouth, there are no bits of protruding metal or wire to rub against your inner cheeks or to catch on your tongue. It is also stable once it is in place, and so, it will not move around in your mouth when you are talking or playing sports. Great stuff!


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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