person with disability

Finding Purpose and Happiness in Your Disability

Most of us take our good health and mobility for granted until we become badly injured to the point of disability. When the initial shock wears off and our new situation sinks in, accepting it will be hard, and nearly impossible for some. We’ll be easily driven to depression and perpetual frustration, knowing that we can no longer get our health back.

Some of our dreams will be shattered, too, which makes disability even more maddening. And when our physical and mental health deteriorates further, it may begin to affect our relationships, causing us to lose some important people in our lives, like a partner or a spouse. Considering these scenarios, it seems impossible to enjoy life as a person with a disability.

But of course, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Everyone is entitled to enjoy life, regardless of their health condition. If you’ve just suffered a disability and are still struggling to find happiness in it, let this article be your guide in finding joy.

Overcoming the First Challenges

Upon being diagnosed with a disabling condition, one of the first things you need to do is to claim social security benefits. This task alone already causes a lot of stress, because the process lengthy and arduous, and your claim may possibly be rejected. To ease your trepidation, let a reliable social security disability application assistant in Utah or your state help you. They’ll ensure that every information you submit is correct and that you’re meeting all the requirements. You can expect a smoother and faster process as well, sparing you from more stress and frustration.

After successfully being qualified for the claims, it’ll be normal to still worry about your income stream. After all, you still want to sustain the lifestyle you’re used to, and if you’re supporting a family, they’ll need the additional income, too. It will be disheartening at first to think that your job options have become limited, but that doesn’t mean they’re less honorable.

Working from home or starting a business is totally doable for the disabled. If your current industry doesn’t require field work, you don’t have to resign if your boss will allow you to work from home. If otherwise, the job market is teeming with home-based and freelance jobs in diverse fields, so you’re never out of career options.

The key is to adopt a mindset that your disability isn’t the end of your life. It’s a chance to restart your life and find something beautiful in it.

Accepting Your Disability

Thinking positive will be impossible in the first stages of your disability, so allow yourself to mourn what you’ve lost. You don’t have to force yourself to see the good in your condition yet. Take it slow, striving to reach acceptance each day.

Learn about your disability. See what changes your body has gone through, and how you’re going adjust to those changes. While doing this, it’s important to focus on what your body can still do rather than the opposite. This helps you understand what you’re facing, preparing you better for your new life.

Seek support not just from your loved ones, but from other people who share your struggles, too. Listen to their inspiring stories to absorb their positivity. You may even be encouraged to start advocacy about disability so that the people like you around the world will no longer be inconvenienced in their everyday lives and be discriminated.

Take advantage of the things you can do. A prosthetic limb, a crutch, or a wheelchair, isn’t something to be ashamed of. Use them proudly because they help make your life easier.

Your disability makes you realize that life is unpredictable — anything can be taken away from you in a heartbeat. So rethink your goals and try to focus on sustaining your relationships and developing yourself. Remember that your disability doesn’t take away your purpose; it only changes it for something bigger and more remarkable.

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