drinking problem

Drinking Problems: Dealing With Alcoholism Among Men

Men are more likely to drink excessively than women, increasing their risks of developing several health issues. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 59% of adult men drink more alcohol in a month than 47% of adult women. However, despite this high figure, only 9.8% of men that need treatment seek it. ; Because of this, over 62,000 adult men die of alcohol-related causes every year.

Besides alcoholism, adult males also suffer from other problems — erectile dysfunction is one of them. For some, Gainswave therapy and other treatment programs are the only hope for total recovery.

Here’s what you need to know about alcoholism among men — how it affects their health, their treatment options, and prevention.

How Alcoholism Affects Men’s Health

The CDC revealed that alcoholic men are at a higher risk than women of developing cancer of the liver, mouth, throat, colon, and esophagus. Besides that, excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with a man’s regular hormone production and testicular function in mean, causing issues associated with infertility and impotence. Moreover, heavy alcohol consumption is linked with cardiovascular conditions, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Treating Drinking Issues Among Men

When choosing a treatment program, it should include the following stages for optimal rehabilitation and a better sober future. These phases include:

  • Detox — Medical detoxification is the process of removing all traces of the substance of abuse or alcohol from the body, allowing the brain to function correctly again. This medical process is essential in alcohol withdrawal since symptoms can be dangerous or even fatal in rare cases.
  • Treatment — Since alcoholism is far more complicated than dependence, a broad range of therapies are used to help people delve into the issues that may have caused the addiction. These help individuals identify their motivation for recovering, their problematic patterns, and finding healthier alternatives. Treatment either comes in the form of family or individual therapy.
  • Aftercare — After finishing treatment, rehabilitated individuals need to follow individualized aftercare plans to help them during the early months of recovery, which is often the most difficult. This program draws on the individual’s motivation and momentum gained during their treatment. A standard aftercare plan includes continuous solo, group, and family therapy or participation in community-based support programs, such as Alcoholics Anonymous.

Preventing Alcoholism

consulting stressed man

Consuming alcohol is safe when drunk in safe amounts, which is two drinks per day for men. However, many tend to go over this boundary for different reasons, from work-related stress to peer pressure. But whatever your reason may be, preventing it from getting worse in the first place is key.

Here are some approaches to prevent alcoholism:

  • Sip an alcoholic drink slowly
  • Never binge drink alcoholic beverages
  • Refuse to drink any spiked drinks during events and ask for something non-alcoholic like a ginger ale to curb cravings
  • Never stock alcoholic drinks at home
  • Avoid drinking when experiencing negative emotions
  • Never drink alcohol after a stressful or tiring day and deal with stress with healthier alternatives
  • Avoid socializing at clubs or bars ad instead plan activities at places that don’t sell alcohol

If you or a special man in your life suffers from alcoholism, it’s best to seek help fast, making the journey to permanent sobriety easier, fulfilling, and successful. Getting treatment as soon as possible can help you get back on track, increasing your quality of life — promoting a brighter future ahead.

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